Overseas Chinese

Overseas Chinese
Total population
40,000,000 (estimates)
Regions with significant populations
Majority population
 Singapore 3,610,400 [9]
 Christmas Island
Minority populations
981 [10]
 Malaysia 7,150,000 [11]
 Thailand 7,053,240 [12]
 Indonesia 7,000,000 [13]
 United States 3,796,000 [14]
 Canada 1,318,000 [15]
 Vietnam 1,309,000 [16]
 Peru 1,300,000 [17]
 Philippines 1,170,000 [18]
 Burma 1,121,000 [19]
 Cambodia 858,459 [20]
 South Korea 696,861 [21]
 Australia 669,896 [22]
 Japan 655,377 [23]
 Russia 500,000 [24]
 United Kingdom 400,000 [25]
 South Africa 350,000 [26]
 Argentina 320,000 [27]
 France 233,000 [28]
 India 196,000 [29]
 Laos 190,000 [30]
 United Arab Emirates 180,000 [31]
 Brazil 156,000 [32]
 New Zealand 147,570 [33]
 Italy 144,885 [34]
 Panama 135,000 [35]
 Spain 134,022 [36]
 Cuba 114,242 [37]
 Netherlands 110,000 [38]
 Germany 109,000 [39]

Languages of China and various languages of the countries they inhabit


Predominantly Mahayana Buddhism, Taoism with Confucianism. Significant Christian, small other religious minorities.

Related ethnic groups

Chinese people

Overseas Chinese (traditional Chinese: 海外華人; simplified Chinese: 海外华人; pinyin: Hǎiwài Huárén) are people of Chinese birth or descent who live outside the Greater China Area (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan). People of partial Chinese ancestry living outside the Greater China Area may also consider themselves Overseas Chinese.

The term "Overseas Chinese" can refer narrowly to those of Han Chinese ethnicity, or more broadly, to all 56 recognized ethnic groups in China; Chinese people in the sense of Zhonghua minzu. For example, members of the Tibetan diaspora may travel to China on passes granted to certain Overseas Chinese.[1] In Southeast Asia and particularly in Malaysia and Singapore, the state classifies the Peranakan as Chinese despite partial assimilation into Malay culture.

One study on overseas Chinese defines several criteria for identifying non-Han overseas Chinese: there is evidence of descent from groups living within or originating from China, they still retain their culture, self-identify with Chinese culture or acknowledge Chinese origin, although they are not categorized as ethnic Han Chinese. Under this definition, "ethnic minority" overseas Chinese number about 7 million, or about 8.4% of the total overseas population.



The Chinese language has various terms equivalent to the English "Overseas Chinese" which refers to Chinese citizens residing in countries other than China: Huáqiáo (simplified Chinese: 华侨; traditional Chinese: 華僑; pinyin: Huáqiáo) or Hoan-kheh in Hokkien (Chinese: 番客) .

Huáyì (simplified Chinese: 华裔; traditional Chinese: 華裔; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Hôa-è) refers to ethnic Chinese residing outside of China. [40] Another often-used term is 海外华人 (Hǎiwài Huárén), a more literal translation of Overseas Chinese; it is often used by the PRC government to refer to people of Chinese ethnicities who live outside the PRC, regardless of citizenship.

Overseas Chinese who are ethnically Han Chinese, such as Cantonese, Hokkien, or Hakka refer to Overseas Chinese as 唐人 (Tángrén), pronounced tòhng yàn in Cantonese, Tn̂g-lâng in Hokkien, and tong nyin in Hakka. Literally, it means Tang people, a reference to Tang dynasty China when it was ruling China proper. It should be noted that this term is commonly used by the Cantonese, Hakka and Hokkien as a colloquial reference to the Chinese people, and has little relevance to the ancient dynasty.


The Chinese people have a long history of migrating overseas. One of the migrations dates back to the Ming dynasty when Zheng He (1371–1435) became the envoy of Ming. He sent people - many of them Cantonese and Hokkien - to explore and trade in the South China Sea and in the Indian Ocean.

Waves of immigration

Different waves of immigration led to subgroups among overseas Chinese such as the new and old immigrants in Southeast Asia, North America, Oceania, the Caribbean, Latin America, South Africa and Russia.

In the 19th century, the age of colonialism was at its height and the great Chinese Diaspora began. Many colonies lacked a large pool of laborers. Meanwhile, in the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong in China, there was a surge in emigration as a result of the poverty and ruin caused by the Taiping rebellion.[2] The Qing Empire was forced to allow its subjects to work overseas under colonial powers. Many Hokkien chose to work in Southeast Asia (where they had earlier links starting from the Ming era), as did the Cantonese. The city of Taishan in Guangdong province was the source for many of the economic migrants. For the countries in North America and Australasia, great numbers of laborers were needed in the dangerous tasks of gold mining and railway construction. Widespread famine in Guangdong impelled many Cantonese to work in these countries to improve the living conditions of their relatives. Some overseas Chinese were sold to South America during the Punti-Hakka Clan Wars (1855–1867) in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong. After World War II many people from the New Territories in Hong Kong emigrated to the UK (mainly England) and to the Netherlands to earn a better living.

From the mid-19th century onward, emigration has been directed primarily to Western countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and the nations of Western Europe; as well as to Peru where they are called tusán, Panama, and to a lesser extent to Mexico. Many of these emigrants who entered Western countries were themselves overseas Chinese or were from Taiwan or Hong Kong, particularly from the 1950s to the 1980s, a period during which the PRC placed severe restrictions on the movement of its citizens. In 1984, Britain agreed to transfer the sovereignty of Hong Kong to the PRC; this triggered another wave of migration to the United Kingdom (mainly England), Australia, Canada, USA, Latin America and other parts of the world. The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 further accelerated the migration. The wave calmed after Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty in 1997. In addition, many citizens of Hong Kong hold citizenships or have current visas in other countries so if the need arises, they can leave Hong Kong at short notice. In fact, after the Tiananmen Square incident, the lines for immigration visas increased at every consulate in Hong Kong. More recent Chinese presences have developed in Europe, where they number nearly a million, and in Russia, they number over 600,000, concentrated in Russian Far East. Chinese who emigrated to Vietnam beginning in the 18th century are referred to as Hoa.

It is estimated that only 26,700 of the old Chinese community now remain in South Korea.[3] However, in recent years, immigration from mainland China has increased; 624,994 persons of Chinese nationality have immigrated to South Korea, including 443,566 of ethnic Korean descent.[4]

In recent years, the People's Republic of China has built increasingly stronger ties with African nations. As of August 2007, there were an estimated 750,000 Chinese nationals working or living for extended periods in different African countries.[5] An estimated 200,000 ethnic Chinese live in South Africa.[6] In a 2007 New York Times article, Chad Chamber of Commerce Director estimated an "influx of at least 40,000 Chinese in coming years" to Chad. As of 2006 as many as 40,000 Chinese lived in Namibia,[7] an estimated 80,000 Chinese in Zambia[8] and 50,000 Chinese in Nigeria.[9] As many as 100,000 Chinese live and work across Angola.[10] As of 2009 35,000 Chinese migrant workers lived in Algeria.[11]

Russia’s main Pacific port and naval base of Vladivostok, once closed to foreigners, as of 2010 bristles with Chinese markets, restaurants and trade houses.[12] Experts predict that the Chinese diaspora in Russia will increase to at least 10 million by 2010 and Chinese may become the dominant ethnic group in the Russian Far East region 20 to 30 years from now.[13][14][15] Other experts discount such stories estimating the numbers of Chinese in Russia at less than half a million, most of whom are temporary traders.[16]

A growing Chinese community in Germany consists of around 76,000 people as of 2010.[17] An estimated 15,000 to 30,000 Chinese live in Austria,[18] including a significant Chinese community in Vienna.


The Chinese in Southeast Asian countries have established themselves in commerce and finance.[19] In North America, Europe and Oceania, occupations are diverse and impossible to generalize; ranging from catering to significant ranks in medicine, the arts, and academia.

Overseas Chinese experience

The Chinese usually identify a person by ethnic origin instead of nationality. As long as the person is of Chinese descent, that person is considered Chinese, and if that person lives outside of China, that person is overseas Chinese. The majority of PRC Chinese do not understand the overseas Chinese experience of being a minority, as ethnic Han Chinese comprise approximately 92% of the population.


Overseas Chinese have sometimes experienced hostility and discrimination.

In countries with small Chinese minorities, the economic disparity can be remarkable. For example, in 1998, ethnic Chinese made up just 1% of the population of the Philippines and 3% of the population in Indonesia, but controlled 40% of the Philippines private economy and 70% of the Indonesian private economy.[20] The book World on Fire, describing the Chinese as a "market-dominant minority", notes that "Chinese market dominance and intense resentment amongst the indigenous majority is characteristic of virtually every country in Southeast Asia except Thailand and Singapore".[21]

This asymmetrical economic position has incited anti-Chinese sentiment among the poorer majorities. Sometimes the anti-Chinese attitudes turn violent, such as the May 13 Incident in Malaysia in 1969 and the Jakarta riots of May 1998 in Indonesia, in which more than 2,000 people died, mostly rioters burned to death in a shopping mall.[22] During the colonial era, some genocides killed ten thousands of Chinese.[23][24][25][26][27]

During the Indonesian killings of 1965–66, in which more than 500,000 people died,[28] ethnic Chinese were killed and their properties looted and burned as a result of anti-Chinese racism on the excuse that Dipa "Amat" Aidit had brought the PKI closer to China.[29][30] The anti-Chinese legislation was in the Indonesian constitution until 1998.

A major point of friction is the apparent tendency of overseas Chinese to segregate themselves into a subculture. For example, the anti-Chinese Kuala Lumpur Racial Riots of 13 May 1969 and Jakarta Riots of May 1998 were believed to have been motivated by these racially-biased perceptions.[31] In 2006, rioters damaged shops owned by Chinese-Tongans in Nukuʻalofa.[32] Chinese migrants were evacuated from the riot-torn Solomon Islands.[33]

Ethnic politics can be found to motivate both sides of the debate. In Malaysia, Overseas Chinese tend to support equal and meritocratic treatment on the expectation that they would not be discriminated against in the resulting competition for government contracts, university places, etc., whereas many "Bumiputra" ("native sons") Malays oppose this on the grounds that their group needs such protections in order to retain their patrimony. These are carried out through affirmative actions. The question of to what extent ethnic Malays, Chinese, or others are "native" to Malaysia is a sensitive political one. It is currently a taboo for Chinese politicians to raise the issue of Bumiputra protections in parliament, as this would be deemed ethnic incitement.[34]

Many of the overseas Chinese who worked on railways in North America in the 19th century suffered from racial discrimination in Canada and the United States. Although discriminatory laws have been repealed or are no longer enforced today, both countries had at one time introduced statutes that barred Chinese from entering the country, for example the United States Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (repealed 1943) or the Canadian Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 (repealed 1947).


Overseas Chinese vary widely as to their degree of assimilation, their interactions with the surrounding communities (see Chinatown), and their relationship with China. Thailand has the largest overseas Chinese community and is also the most successful case of full assimilation. For over 400 years, Thai-Chinese have largely intermarried and assimilated with their compatriots. The present Thai monarch, Chakri Dynasty, is founded by King Rama I who himself is partly Chinese. His Predecessor, King Taksin of Thonburi dynastry, is the son of Chinese immigrant from Guangdong Province and is born with Chinese name. In Myanmar, the Chinese rarely intermarry (even amongst different Chinese linguistic groups), but have largely adopted the Burmese culture whilst maintaining Chinese culture affinities. Between 1965 to 1993, the affairs of state once were prevent to those with Chinese name, yielded the number of people switched to the local term instead in Cambodia. Indonesia, and Myanmar were among the countries that do not allow birth names to be registered in foreign languages, including Chinese. But since 2003, the Indonesian government has allowed overseas Chinese to use their Chinese name or using their Chinese family name on their birth certificate. In Vietnam, Chinese names are pronounced with Sino-Vietnamese readings. For example, the name of the Chinese president, 胡锦涛 (pinyin: Hú Jǐntāo), would be transcribed as "Hồ Cẩm Đào". In Western countries, the overseas Chinese generally use romanised versions of their Chinese names, and the use of local first names is also common.

On the other hand, in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, overseas Chinese have maintained a distinct communal identity, though the rate and state of being assimilated to the local, in this case a multicultural society, is currently on par with that of other Chinese communities (see Peranakan). In the Philippines many younger Overseas Chinese are well assimilated, whereas the older ones tend to be considered as 'foreigners'. The Chinese have also brought a cultural influence to some other countries such as Vietnam, where many Chinese customs have been adopted by native Vietnamese.[35]


The usage of Chinese languages by overseas Chinese has been determined by a large number of factors, including their ancestry, their migrant ancestors' "regime of origin", assimilation through generational changes, and official policies of their country of residence. The general trend is - increase of Mandarin-speaking Chinese among the new arrivals, making it the most common language of chinatowns.[36]

Southeast Asia

Within Southeast Asia, the language situation of overseas Chinese varies greatly even amongst neighboring nations.


In Singapore, a nation with an ethnic Chinese majority population, Mandarin is recognized as one of its official languages, along with simplified Chinese characters, in contrast to other overseas Chinese communities which almost exclusively used traditional Chinese characters until the 1990s, when nationals of the PRC began to emigrate in substantial numbers and brought with them the simplified Chinese characters. Although ethnic Chinese in Singapore are predominantly of Hokkien descent, the government of Singapore discourages the usage of non-Mandarin Chinese languages through the Speak Mandarin Campaign. The official policy in Singapore also has an impact on neighboring Johor, in southern Peninsular Malaysia, where Mandarin is predominantly spoken among the Chinese communities there. As the Singapore government actively promotes English as the common language of the multiracial society of Singapore, younger Chinese Singaporeans are mostly bilingual in Mandarin and English.


Chinese Malaysians speak a wide variety of dialects and Mandarin, their prevalence being concentrated around particular metropolitan centres: the Penang, Klang, Kelantan and Malacca groups are predominantly Hokkien-speaking (Penang has its own version of Hokkien, Kelantan has its own version of Hokkien too); the Kuala Lumpur, Seremban, Kuantan and Ipoh groups are predominantly Cantonese and Hakka-speaking; whereas in East Malaysia (Malaysian Borneo), Hakka and Mandarin are widely spoken, except in Sibu, where the Fuzhou dialect is predominant, and in Sandakan, where Cantonese is spoken. Regardless of location, however, younger generations tend to speak Mandarin, which is taught in schools. A significant number of Chinese are English-educated, who speak mainly English. Most Chinese Malaysians can speak Malay, the national language, and English, which is widely used in business.


Ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and Thailand had been subjected to official, and at times draconian, assimilation policies, and as a result many of them are no longer proficient in the Chinese language (particularly ethnic Chinese who lived in Java). Chinese who lived in Sumatra did not give up some of the dialects. Most of the ethnic Chinese in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra, are still able to speak creole Hokkien within their community. This is due to the number of generations that have lived in Indonesia and their exposure to cultural assimilation. Most of the ethnic Chinese who live in Java have a long line (10 generations) of forefathers before them, where the ethnic Chinese who live in Sumatra have a relatively short generation of forefathers (4 or 5 generations). There is also a small population of Hakka Chinese in Indonesia, most notably in Bangka Belitung province, Pontianak and Singkawang where they form a significant part of the local population, while in the areas from Pontianak to Kendawangan on the southern tip of West Kalimantan are populated by Teochew speakers much like Bangkok, Thailand.[37] As to their identity, Chinese Indonesians are more Indonesians compared to Chinese.


Thailand is home to the largest and most integrated Overseas Chinese community. As already said above, the present Thai monarch, Chakri Dynasty, was founded by King Rama I, who himself was partly Chinese. His predecessor, King Taksin of Thonburi Dynasty, was the son of Chinese immigrants from Guangdong Province and was born with a Chinese name. The majority of Prime Ministers in Thailand are of Chinese descent. Most ethnic Chinese in Thailand live in cities such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hat Yai and Nakhon Sawan. A large majority of them belong to the Teochew dialect group of Han Chinese. A small number of Chinese people, mainly belonging to the Yunnanese dialect group, also live in the northern part of Thailand which is in close proximity to their homeland in Yunnan province of China. Charoen Pokphand Group, founded by Thai-Chinese Chearavanont family, is currently the single largest foreign investors in China.[38]


There is some controversy about the size of the Chinese minority in Vietnam: official figures tend to float around the 1 million figure (1.1% of total population), but outside sources tend to suggest a higher number. Not all Chinese (known as Hoa) are officially recognized by the government of Vietnam: the Hoa category excludes the San Diu (mountain Chinese) and the Ngai. A large number of Chinese people live in Saigon city and most of them today speak Cantonese, though there is also a large group who speak Teochew, tracing their ancestral homeland to the Guangdong province in China, from where their ancestors came around the eighteenth century.[39]


Chinese are a visible ethnic group of Cambodia and constitute around 7% of the population.[40] Chinese ethnics can be seen in all towns and many towns are exclusive to ethnic Chinese. Most Chinese Cambodians belong to the Hokkien and Teochew dialect groups. Many Khmer people are taught Mandarin in school along side many Sino-Khmers and ethnic Vietnamese people.[41]


Laos is one of South-East Asia’s most ethnically diverse countries: a somewhat surprising situation given the relatively small size and population of around 6 million, but probably due to its location, mountainous terrain and tropical climate. There are also Chinese minorities in Laos, though their exact number is difficult to ascertain: Chinese presence goes back centuries, tending to be concentrated in the cities of Vientiane and Savannakhet.[42]


Although the Burmese Chinese (or Chinese Burmese) officially make up three percent of the population, the actual figure is believed to be much higher. Among the under-counted Chinese populations are: those of mixed background;[43] those that have registered themselves as ethnic Bamar to escape discrimination; illegal Chinese immigrants that have flooded Upper Burma since the 1990s (up to 2 million by some estimates[44]) but are not counted due to the lack of reliable census taking.[45] The Burmese Chinese dominate the Burmese economy today.[46] They also have a very large presence in Burmese higher education, and make up a high percentage of the educated class in Burma. Most Burmese Chinese speak Burmese as their mother tongue. Those with higher education also speak Mandarin and/or English. The use of Chinese dialects still prevails. Hokkien (a dialect of Min Nan) is mostly used in Yangon as well as in Lower Burma, while Taishanese (a Yue dialect akin to Cantonese) and Yunnanese Mandarin are well preserved in Upper Burma.


A variety of Chinese dialects are spoken in Brunei. Mandarin and Hokkien are the most commonly spoken dialects in the country.


The most widely spoken dialects are Hokkien (there is a native form of Hokkien called Lan-nang-oe) and Cantonese. Mandarin is taught at all Chinese schools, and in most Chinese schools, the traditional Chinese script is usually taught.

North America

Many overseas Chinese populations in North America speak some variety of Chinese. In the United States and Canada, Chinese is the third most spoken language.[47][48] Cantonese has historically been the most prevalent variety due to immigrants being mostly from southern China from the 19th century up through the 1980s.[48][49] However, Mandarin is becoming increasingly more prevalent due to the opening up of the PRC.[49]

In New York City at least, although Mandarin is spoken as a native language among only ten percent of Chinese speakers, it is used as a secondary dialect among the greatest number of them and is on its way to replace Cantonese as their lingua franca.[50] Although Min Chinese is spoken natively by a third of the Chinese population there, it is not used as a lingua franca because speakers of other dialect groups do not learn Min.[50]

In Richmond (part of the Greater Vancouver metropolitan area in Canada), 44% of the population is Chinese.[51] Chinese words can be seen everywhere from local banks to grocery stores. In the broader Vancouver Census Metropolitan Area, 18% of the population is Chinese. Similarly in Toronto, which is the largest city in Canada, Chinese people make up 11.4% of the local population with the percentages higher in the suburbs of Markham, Mississauga and within the city in its east end of Scarborough. In these regions Chinese people make up between 20-50% of their total populations respectively.[52] Cantonese and Mandarin are the most popular Chinese languages.

China's economical growth brings greater immigration opportunities to mainland Chinese. A 2011 survey shown that 60% of Chinese millionaires plan to immigrate,[53] mostly to the USA or Canada. The EB-5 Investment Visa allows many powerful Chinese to seek for a USA citizenship, and recent reports show that 75% of applicants to this visa in 2011 were Chinese.[54]

Relationship with China

Both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China maintain highly complex relationships with overseas Chinese populations. Both maintain cabinet level ministries to deal with overseas Chinese affairs, and many local governments within the PRC have overseas Chinese bureaus. Both the PRC and ROC have some legislative representation for overseas Chinese. In the case of the PRC, some seats in the National People's Congress are allocated for returned overseas Chinese. In the ROC's Legislative Yuan, there used to be eight seats allocated for overseas Chinese. These seats were apportioned to the political parties based on their vote totals on Taiwan, and then the parties assigned the seats to overseas Chinese party loyalists. Now, political parties in the ROC are still allowed to assign overseas Chinese into the Legislative Yuan, but they are not required to. Most of these members elected to the Legislative Yuan hold dual citizenship, but must renounce their foreign citizenship before being sworn in.

Overseas Chinese have sometimes played an important role in Chinese politics. Most of the funding for the Chinese revolution of 1911 came from overseas Chinese.

During the 1950s and 1960s, the ROC tended to seek the support of overseas Chinese communities through branches of the Kuomintang based on Sun Yat-sen's use of expatriate Chinese communities to raise money for his revolution. During this period, the People's Republic of China tended to view overseas Chinese with suspicion as possible capitalist infiltrators and tended to value relationships with southeast Asian nations as more important than gaining support of overseas Chinese, and in the Bandung declaration explicitly stated that overseas Chinese owed primary loyalty to their home nation. On the other hand, overseas Chinese in their home nations were often persecuted for suspected or fabricated ties to "Communist China". This was used as a pretext for the massacres of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries.

After the Deng Xiaoping reforms, the attitude of the PRC toward overseas Chinese changed dramatically. Rather than being seen with suspicion, they were seen as people which could aid PRC development via their skills and capital. During the 1980s, the PRC actively attempted to court the support of overseas Chinese by among other things, returning properties that were confiscated after the 1949 revolution. More recently PRC policy has attempted to maintain the support of recently emigrated Chinese, who consist largely of Chinese seeking graduate education in the West. Many overseas Chinese are now investing in mainland China providing financial resources, social and cultural networks, contacts and opportunities. However, some distrust between Chinese and overseas Chinese still remains.[55]

According to Article 5 of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China: "Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality. But a person whose parents are both Chinese nationals and have both settled abroad, or one of whose parents is a Chinese national and has settled abroad, and who has acquired foreign nationality at birth shall not have Chinese nationality".[56] However the Nationality Law of the Republic of China, which permits dual citizenship, considers these persons to be citizens of the ROC.

Current numbers

There are over 40 million overseas Chinese,[57] mostly living in Southeast Asia where they make up a majority of the population of Singapore and significant minority populations in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The overseas populations in those areas arrived between the 16th and 19th centuries mostly from the maritime provinces of Guangdong and Fujian, followed by Hainan. There were incidences of earlier emigration from the 15th centuries in particular to Malacca.[58]

Urban areas with large Chinese populations include Bangkok with 2,900,000 (2009 census, registered resident only), Singapore with 2,800,000 (2010 census), Kuala Lumpur with 612,277 (2000 census, city only),[59] Penang with 650,000 (2005), Jakarta with 528,300 (2010 census), the New York City Metropolitan Area with 665,714 and the San Francisco Bay Area with 562,355 (2009),[60] as well as the Greater Toronto Area with 486,300 (2006 Census, metropolitan area).[61]


Continent / country Articles Overseas Chinese population Year of data
Africa 925,000+
 South Africa Chinese South Africans 350,000 2009[62]
 Egypt Chinese people in Egypt 100,000 2006[63]
 Angola Chinese people in Angola 70,000 2009[64]
 Zambia -- 80,000 2006[8]
 Madagascar Chinese people in Madagascar 60,000 2007[65][66]
 Nigeria Chinese people in Nigeria 50,000 2008[67]
 Ethiopia Chinese people in Ethiopia 45,000 2010
 Mauritius Sino-Mauritian 30,000 2007[68]
 Réunion Chinois 25,000 1999[69]
 Mozambique Ethnic Chinese in Mozambique 12,000 2007[70]
 Kenya Chinese people in Kenya 10,000 2007[71]
 Algeria - 35,000 2009[11]
 Tanzania Chinese people in Tanzania 10,000 2008[72]
 Ghana Chinese people in Ghana 7,000 2008[73]
 Botswana Chinese people in Botswana 6,000 2009[74]
 Cameroon Chinese people in Cameroon 2,000 2008[75]
 Senegal Chinese people in Senegal 2,000 2008[76]
 Seychelles Sino-Seychellois 1,000 1999[77]
Continent / country Articles Overseas Chinese population Year of data
Asia/Middle East 30,100,000+
 Thailand Thai Chinese 7,053,240 2005[78]
 Malaysia Malaysian Chinese, Peranakan 6,390,900 2010[79]
 Indonesia Chinese Indonesian/Tionghoa 7,000,000 2008[80]
 Singapore Chinese Singaporean 2,794,000 2010[81]
 Vietnam Hoa, Ngái, San Diu 1,200,000 2005[78]
 Cambodia Chinese Cambodian, Cambodian Hokkien 1,180,000 2008[40]
 Philippines Chinese Filipino, Tornatras, Sangley 1,100,000 2005[78]
 Myanmar Burmese Chinese, Panthay 1,100,000 2005[78]
 South Korea Chinese in South Korea 696,861 2010[82]
 Japan Chinese in Japan 655,377 1 2008[83]
 Kazakhstan Chinese in Kazakhstan 300,000 2009
 India Chinese in India 189,470 2005[78]
 Laos Laotian Chinese 185,765 2005[78]
 United Arab Emirates Chinese people in the United Arab Emirates 180,000 2009[84]
 Brunei Ethnic Chinese in Brunei 43,000 2006[85]
 Israel Chinese people in Israel 23,000 2001
 North Korea Chinese in North Korea 10,000 2009[86]
 Pakistan Chinese people in Pakistan 10,000 2009[87]
 Sri Lanka Chinese people in Sri Lanka 3,500 ?[88]
 Iran Chinese people in Iran 3,000 --
 Kyrgyzstan Chinese people in Kyrgyzstan 1,813 2009
 Mongolia Ethnic Chinese in Mongolia 1,323 2000
Continent / country Articles Overseas Chinese population Year of data
Europe 2,775,000+
 Russia Chinese people in Russia, Dungan people 998,000 2005[78]
 France Chinese diaspora in France, Chinois (Réunion) 700,000 2010[89]
 United Kingdom British Chinese 500,000 2008[90]
 Italy Chinese people in Italy 209,000 2011[91]
 Spain Chinese people in Spain 128,022 2008[92]
 Netherlands Chinese people in the Netherlands 76,960 2011[93]
 Germany Chinese people in Germany 71,639 2004[94]
 Serbia Chinese people in Serbia 20,000 2008[95]
 Ireland -- 16,533 2006[96]
 Denmark Chinese people in Denmark 10,247 2009[97]
 Bulgaria Chinese people in Bulgaria 10,000 2005[98]
 Portugal Chinese people in Portugal 9,689 2007[99]
 Sweden -- 14,134 2010[100]
 Finland -- 7,546 2010[101]
 Czech Republic Chinese people in the Czech Republic 4,986 2007[102]
 Romania Chinese of Romania 2,249 2002[103]
 Turkey Chinese people in Turkey 1,000 2009
Continent / country Articles Overseas Chinese population Year of data
Americas 7,080,000+
 United States Chinese American, American-born Chinese 3,800,000 2009[104]
 Canada Chinese Canadian, Canadian-born Chinese 1,300,000 2006[105]
 Peru Chinese-Peruvian 1,300,000 2005[78]
 Brazil Chinese Brazilian 151,649 2005[78]
 Panama Chinese-Panamanian 135,000 2003[106][107]
 Cuba Chinese Cuban 114,240 2008[108]
 Argentina Chinese Argentine 100,000 2008[109]
 Mexico Chinese Mexican 23,000 2003[110]
 Nicaragua Chinese Nicaraguan 12,000 --[111]
 Suriname Chinese-Surinamese 40,000 2011[112]
 Jamaica Chinese Jamaican 70,000 --[113]
 Dominican Republic Ethnic Chinese in the Dominican Republic 15,000 --[114]
 Costa Rica Chinese-Costa Rican 7,873 2009
 Chile Chinese people in Chile 5,000 --
 Trinidad & Tobago Chinese Trinidadian and Tobagonian 3,800 2000
 Guyana Chinese Guyanese 2,722 1921[115]
 Belize 1,716 2000[116]
 Puerto Rico Chinese-Puerto Rican -- --
 Haiti Chinese Haitian 230 --
Continent / country Articles Overseas Chinese population Year of data
Oceania 877,400+
 Australia Chinese Australian 669,896 2006[117]
 New Zealand Chinese New Zealander 147,570 2006[118]
 Samoa Chinese in Samoa 30,000 --
 Papua New Guinea Chinese people in Papua New Guinea 20,000 2008[119][120]
 Fiji Chinese in Fiji 6,000 2000
 Tonga Chinese in Tonga 3,000 2001[121][122]
 Palau Chinese in Palau 1,019 2001[123]
Total overseas Chinese population ~40,000,000


In the case of Indonesia and Burma, political and ethnic strife has cause a significant number of people of Chinese origins to re-emigrate.

Due to the growing economic strength and the influence on the world, many overseas Chinese have began to migrate back to China. The trend is expected to rise even more in the future.

See also


  1. ^ The Japanese nationals with Chinese ethnicity are excluded.
  2. ^ This number includes 443,566 people called Joseonjok (조선족). Joseonjok people are the Koreans who have Chinese citizenship. The 181,428 Chinese people who are ethnic Chinese (calculated from 624,994-443,566) in Korea are called Hwagyo (화교). (See reference)


  1. ^ Blondeau, Anne-Marie; Buffetrille, Katia and Wei Jing (2008). Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China's 100 Questions. University of California Press. p. 127. 
  2. ^ The Story of California From the Earliest Days to the Present, by Henry K. Norton. 7th ed. Chicago, A.C. McClurg & Co., 1924. Chapter XXIV, pp. 283-296.
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  7. ^ China and Africa: Stronger Economic Ties Mean More Migration, By Malia Politzer, Migration Information Source, August 2008
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  26. ^ 东南亚华人遭受的几次屠杀
  27. ^ 南洋华人被大规模屠杀不完全记录
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  69. ^ Chinese Language Educational Foundation 1999
  70. ^ Chinese in Mozambique
  71. ^ Chinese people in Kenya
  72. ^ Chinese people in Tanzania
  73. ^ Chinese people in Ghana
  74. ^ Chinese people in Botswana
  75. ^ Chinese people in Cameroon
  76. ^ Chinese people in Senegal
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  78. ^ a b c d e f g h i The Ranking of Ethnic Chinese Population Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C.
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  94. ^ Federal Statistical Office Germany [5].
  95. ^ Little China in Belgrade
  96. ^ Beyond 20/20 WDS - Table View
  97. ^ Statistics Denmark 2009
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  102. ^ Czech Statistical Office 2007
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  104. ^ "S0201. Selected Population Profile in the United States . Population Group: Chinese alone or in any combination". U.S. Census Bureau. http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/IPTable?_bm=y&-qr_name=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201&-qr_name=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201PR&-qr_name=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201T&-qr_name=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201TPR&-geo_id=01000US&-geo_id=NBSP&-ds_name=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_&-reg=ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201:035;ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201PR:035;ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201T:035;ACS_2009_1YR_G00_S0201TPR:035&-_lang=en&-redoLog=false&-format=. Retrieved 28 May 2011. 
  105. ^ " Ethnic Origin (247), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3) and Sex (3) for the Population of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2006 Census - 20% Sample Data," [7]
  106. ^ President Chen's State Visit to Panama, Government Information Office, Republic of China, October 2003, http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/5-gp/panama/ch_pa01.htm#3, retrieved 2007-11-07 
  107. ^ Hua, Vanessa (2002-06-23), "Playing the Panama card - The China-Taiwan connection", The San Francisco Chronicle, http://www.journalismfellowships.org/stories/panama/panama_chinataiwan.htm, retrieved 2007-11-07 
  108. ^ CIA World Factbook. Cuba. 2008. May 15, 2008. <https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cu.html>.
  109. ^ People Daily community estimation. <http://spanish.peopledaily.com.cn/31621/6415237.html>.
  110. ^ http://www.embajadachina.org.mx/esp/zmgx/t44249.htm=B
  111. ^ "Nicaragua: People groups". Joshua Project. http://www.joshuaproject.net/countries.php?rog3=NU. Retrieved 2007-03-26. 
  112. ^ Romero, Simon (2011-04-10). "China Aids Suriname, Expanding South American Role". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/11/world/americas/11suriname.html. 
  113. ^ Joshua Project - Han Chinese, Hakka of Jamaica Ethnic People Profile
  114. ^ : dr1.com - The Chinese Community and Santo Domingo’s Barrio Chino - Page 1
  115. ^ History of the Chinese in Guyana
  116. ^ http://celade.cepal.org/cgibin/RpWebEngine.exe/PortalAction?&MODE=MAIN&BASE=CPVBLZ2000&MAIN=WebServerMain.inl
  117. ^ 2006 Australian Bureau of Statistics [8].
  118. ^ QuickStats About Culture and Identity - Asian, 2006 Census, Statistics New Zealand. Accessed 2007-07-13.
  119. ^ Nelson 2007, p. 8
  120. ^ Chin 2008, p. 118
  121. ^ "Tonga announces the expulsion of hundreds of Chinese immigrants", John Braddock, wsws.org, December 18, 2001
  122. ^ Paul Raffaele and Mathew Dearnaley (November 22, 2001). "Tonga to expel race-hate victims". The New Zealand Herald. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=229521. Retrieved November 1, 2011. 
  123. ^ Palau, CIA World Factbook, rertieved October 14, 2009

Further reading

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